Telegram, one of the world’s most popular instant messaging applications, has announced the launch of its new personal identification tool, the Telegram Passport, which will allow secure sharing of personal information across multiple applications, online payment platform, and Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).
The announcement was made by the company via its website, specifying that the new tool is “a unified authorization method” where customers can upload their personal identification documents scanned into the Telegram cloud for instant and secure sharing.
The function will be integrated within the latest version of the Telegram messaging application, where users can upload, configure and access documents before sending them to a third party. The company also specifies that all data uploaded to the cloud will be protected in encrypted form from end to end.
In this sense, personal identification will not fall into the hands of the Telegram team at any time, which has ensured that the function has its own password, which will prevent the leakage of information and reaffirm the security of personal information.
Telegram Passport function will allow users’ identity validation in ICOs and digital payments services
The Telegram Passport will be enabled for use on any online platform that requires personal verification, with a focus on online payment applications such as e-payments and Initial Coin Offers (ICOs). That is, it will provide original documentation on online financial activities.
At the moment, the function can only be used on the Telegram website to request information or data from the company about the application, as well as being enabled in the electronic payment system, e-payments, where registration and verification through this passport are allowed.
For future applications, the company is devising the possibility of all identification data being found and transferred in a decentralized cloud, a feature that will enhance the protection of its customers’ data. In addition, the Telegram Passport will also allow application developers to integrate their services for free.
Telegram is one of the messaging applications that has become increasingly involved in cryptocurrencies market and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). In this way, the company has even led the way in launching its own decentralized token that will work in the Telegram instant messaging app.