It seems that despite the bearish crypto markets in 2018, the people’s interest in Bitcoin has been continuously growing.
The latest data coming from Google Trends reported that lots of people are interested to find out “What is Bitcoin,” even if BTC’s price went down by 80% from its all-time high.
The most searched term in the US and UK
The interest towards the world’s largest crypto by market cap keeps rising. According to the latest data coming from Google Trends, the term “What is Bitcoin” seems to top the charts in the “What is…” category in the US and the UK as well.
More than that, the interest in crypto doesn’t even end here. “How to Buy Ripple?” is the fourth most search phrase in the “How to…” category in the US.
Google Trends reported that “What is Bitcoin” is also the number one search term for 2018 in Romania.
South Africa is the most interested in Bitcoin
The term Bitcoin is the most popular in South Africa for now, and this could be due to political and economic uncertainties.
Google Trends reports that the interest here is higher compared to any other country in the whole world.
2018 hasn’t been the best year for cryptos, and the market has entered a really long bear market. Unfortunately, the crypto markets have seen about $700 billion wiped off the market’s cap.
Bitcoin could grow again shortly, according to predictions
There’s a man who has already made some pretty accurate predictions regarding Bitcoin’s fate, and he has popped up again on YouTube, saying that BTC will be surging a lot more than its current price.
The man identifies as davincij15 on YouTube, and he said that Bitcoin is a reliable token that has a really bright future and anyone who says that it will godown to zero doesn’t understand at all how the ledger works.