Massive Efforts For Killing The US Dollar Are Underway
There are huge de-dollarization efforts made worldwide, and they seem to be getting stronger and stronger. Check out the latest reports about this below. Killing the US dollar Countries from around the world have embarked on an irreversible…
US Dollar Dump Is Here – BRICS Nations Join Forces, Russia Says
It looks like the attack on the US dollar continues. Check out what Russia’s top diplomat says about this below. US dollar dumping begins In a recent statement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that the process of…
BRICS Should Launch Global Currency, Threatening The US Dollar, Brazil’s President Says
Recent reports indicate that the newly appointed president of Brazil is advocating for the BRICS nations to proceed with their plan to replace the US dollar as the leading global currency. Brazil’s new president addresses the US dollar’s…
FBI Drops Dire Warning To The US
FBI just dropped a warning about people in the US. Check out the latest reports below. FBI warns Americans Reports have surfaced about fraudulent job postings that are coercing individuals into participating in cryptocurrency scams. Recently, the Federal…
US Dollar Fate Depends Of Stablecoins, New Reports Say
It has been just revealed that the fate of the US dollar is now depending on stablecoins. Check out the latest reports about this below. US dollar and stabelcoins According to the latest reports, it has been revealed…