In 2017 ICOs around the world managed to register an impressive growth, reaching $5.6 billion around the globe. Starting back in 2015, the trend seemed to become unstoppable as they continue to grow. But the appearance of several new ICOs leads to a harsh completion as the offer is dramatically above the demand, at least for now.
With every new ICO, the other one loses valuable investors, and the negative trend seems to continue. It would seem that the trend will slow down and stagnate until de end of the year. Several motives may have caused the downfall.
The cryptocurrency market took a big hit when Bitcoin, its poster child, fell down to $6000 dollars after it reached over $20000 earlier.
Some countries may impose restricting regulations, and potential investors seem discouraged.
The high number of ICOs spreads investment funds thin and the growth cannot be focused.
Many ICOs can still be affected by security breaches and malicious attacks.
You should not avoid ICOs since they can still provide valuable opportunities. Two things are critical when you think about ICOs:
Transparency: You should always check to verify that all procedures are completely transparent. The number of fraudulent projects has significantly decreased but you should be careful.
Here are the best ICOs in which you can invest right now:
Qravity aims to be a production and distribution platform for quality digital content. You can find music, video games and movies, among other things available on the platform. The primary focus is decentralization, as each member of a creative team will receive royalties upon the release of the project.
Notable features:
The platform offers a unique approach on forming and coordinating a creative team while offering all the tools needed in order for the team to function well.
The platform uses a dual token system. QCO is used in order to purchase content and it is also a payment method for project and content creators, which receive royalties for their work. QCO is an external coin which is freely tradable. QPT, on the other hand, is an internal coin rewarded for milestone activities and tasks, and it is rewarded in accordance with the difficulty level of the task. The QCO revenue earned by the team is split in accordance to how much QPT they earned individually.
The platform is fully functional, with more features added daily. A demo is also available or prospective investors.
Agent Mile targets the commercial real estate industry, by offering convenient services for clients, sellers and developers, all in one place. It offers a unified an transparent that offers all the important information in a friendly manner.
The developer team is very experienced, having already launched two successful projects: AgentDrive and AgentGrow. AgentDrive offers a well-developed real estate marketing platform while AgentGrow specializes in website developing.
The existing product proves that the initiative is reliable and you can safely invest in it. The experienced team aims to create a cohesive real estate database which will help everyone when it comes to transactions.
The nature of the blockchain will eliminate the risk of shady deals as everyone will have access to the same information. In the future, the platform will include virtual tours of select properties, in order to facilitate international transactions.
Araw is a specialized e-commerce platform that facilitates transactions by offering a special cryptocurrency card, which allows seamless payments at classic shops, while also promoting a payment gateway for interested sellers.
What makes the platform distinctive is a tiered rewards system working on both ends, which attracts both clients and sellers.
The platform aims to offer comprehensive services, and it has already partnered with several notable entities, which gives it a huge advantage over other ICOs.
The platform plans to add several features, such as an e-wallet that will allow peer-to-peer transactions and reward schemes for purchases that are made on other platforms.
The company has been already pre-financed, with the official launch coming soon. Based on social platform activity, many users are ready to enjoy its benefits when it will be ready for launch in a few weeks.
This platform will deliver specialized data relevant for marketing companies. It will be transparent and cost-effective, as it will only deliver the particular information that is interesting for a company, instead of a package of useless data.
Te data will be delivered in a confidential and transparent manner, using an advanced protocol that will link the interested parties seamlessly. Ideally, it will become the largest database in the world, aiming to offer relevant data to interested parties.
The combination of blockchain and big data is certainly interesting. Clients will be able to purchase tokens called DBCCoins in order to pay for the desired content and services.
The company has already registered several patents for its special technology. It has already attracted $16 million in investments, and more will come as it will go live soon.
In the age of artificial intelligence, harnessing the power of neuronal networks for sophisticated marketing analysis seems like a natural step. This is the promise of UBEX, which will employ blockchain and AI in order to offer relevant marketing data.
The platform will use AI for a variety of tasks, including the sale of additional space on partner sites.
The platform uses blockchain in order to connect advertisers and publishers directly, eliminating the middleman. It also promotes the use of friendly and relevant ads instead of aggressive shock-value ones.
The platform has already sold 24,000 ETH, and with a target of 28,000 ETH, the pre-sale period will soon end
If any of these platforms piqued your interest, now is the time to act.