Crypto Daily Gazette

Tron’s Acquisition, BitTorrent Announces That uTorrent Web Surpassed 1 Million Daily Active Users

About a month ago, Sun revealed the launch of the new uTorrent Web. uTorrent is one of the torrent clients owned by BitTorrent.

During the TVM release, Sun said that all of BitTorrent’s clients would basically become Tron clients and this included uTorrent as well.

“Say hello to uTorrent Web, a torrent client for the “streaming era”! Thanks to the uTorrent and BitTorrent teams for creating this amazing product,” Sun said at the moment.

Justin Sun and BitTorrent announce uTorrent’s success

Tron’s founder Justin Sun together with BitTorrent announced a great success: uTorrent surpassed the record on 1 million daily active users.

“µTorrent Web already surpassed 1,000,000 daily active users! This new product officially launched a month ago offers a #streaming and torrenting experience,” Justin Sun tweeted on his official page.

BitTorrent also tweeted the announcement:

“Proud to announce that our Web-based torrent #streaming client, µTorrent Web, surpassed 1,000,000 daily active users. If you’re waiting for a BitTorrent Web, rest assured that it’s coming soon!”

Justin Sun bought BitTorrent in June

Before Justin Sun revealed the massive acquisition that he had made, there were lots of rumors hinting at the fact that this might happen eventually and these claims have been floating around the crypto space since last year. It’s also interesting to note that between Sun and BitTorrent there’s a history.

Tron’s founder sued the company over the violation of a no-shop clause.

This means a letter of intent that acts as an agreement between two parties, the owner and the buyer, and it basically blocks other potential buyers from negotiating another deal for the acquisition.

BitTorrent did not respect this clause and Sun took things to court.

Sun also supported TRX adoption when he teamed up with PornHub. The massive website announced that it supports TRX for paying for its premium services.

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