Ripple’s Partner TransferGo Starts Exploring The Advantages Of Using xRapid

TransferGo international payment platforms Ripple’s partner and they just announced that they started exploring the benefits of Ripple’s xRapid, the product that is powered by the digital asset XRP. On Twitter, TransferGo CEO Daumantas Dvilinkskass aid that the…

XRP Adoption: Crypto Visa Card Platform Adds XRP; Ripple’s Tech Saves 90% Costs For TransferGo

XRP is having its best days for a while, not in terms of price, but definitely regarding adoption. The company behind the digital asset, Ripple is also doing better than ever with more and more institutions adopting its…

TranferGo Uses Ripple Technology To Conduct Payments From Europe To India In Under 30 Minutes

Today, September 5th, 2018, TransferGo, a payment processing service, reported via Finextra that it uses Ripple technology to support payments from Europe to India in under 30 minutes. “TransferGo is an international cheap money transfer company for migrant…