The largest porn site in the world, Pornhub, partnered with PumaPay, an open source crypto payments solution, for recurring cryptocurrency payments for premium subscriptions. On the other hand, Pornhub might also adopt PumaPay (PMA) crypto token, eventually.
Pornhub partnered with PumaPay for recurring cryptocurrency payments
In accordance with the official advertising video released by Pornhub, the world’s biggest adult entertainment website, the partnership with the PumaPay cryptocurrency payment solutions would enable its clients to pay for their premium subscription plans with cryptocurrencies as simple as paying with credit/debit card. Currently, the customers can only pay using ZenCash (ZEN), Verge (XVG), and Tron (TRX).
However, Pornhub might also adopt PumaPay (PMA) proprietary crypto token, even though an official announcement in this regard did not appear just yet.
“PumaPay’s technological solution, the PullPayment protocol, reverses the mechanics of a transaction, enabling merchants to ‘pull’ crypto funds from their customers’ account,” said PumaPay CEO, Yoav Dror.
The adult industry is more and more interested in adopting cryptocurrency
While the whole buzz with cryptocurrency and the porn industry started when Verge (XVG) secured a partnership with MindGeek, owner of Pornhub, Brazzers, and others, now many other sites and companies in the adult industry seek using or adopting cryptocurrency to bypass the “drawbacks of the current baking system,” as PumaPay CEO said.
Besides Pornhub, Brazzers, and other porn portals owned by MindGeek, which adopted cryptocurrency to diversify the methods users can employ to pay for their premium subscriptions, Tube8, another big name in the pornographic universe, is intending to reward its members with cryptocurrency for only watching the content on the site. As rumored, Tube8 would pay its viewers with Vice Industry Tokens (VIT), the crypto coin specifically designed for the adult industry.
On the other hand, VRPorn also adopted Litecoin (LTC) payments via the GoCoin payment processor.