XRP (XRP) Surged Yesterday As SBI Holdings Tests xRapid In Its FX Exchange Platform

Ripple’s arrival in the Japanese foreign exchange market in the context of its strategic collaboration with SBI Holdings is a documented achievement. But there were new trends when SBI’s FX Trade section introduced new trading pairs with a…
Xapo Crypto Wallet Nested 4 Million UTXO To Reduce Bitcoin (BTC) Transactions Costs

In order to reduce commission costs for Bitcoin (BTC) transactions, the Xapo crypto wallet nested around 4 million UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) through batch payments or batching. In a Bitcoin (BTC) wallet, however, each output amount is independent…
Bithumb Halts New Virtual Accounts Issuance Due To Disagreement To Local Bank

Bithumb, one of South Korean leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms, was forced to suspend the issuance of new virtual accounts after NH Nonghyup Bank rejected its contract renewal application. The financial institution alleged that the crypto trading platform still…
Coinbase UK Clients Can Buy Bitcoin (BTC) And Other Cryptos With British Pounds Now

Coinbase reported yesterday, Wednesday, August 1st, that the cryptocurrency exchange platform’s UK clients can buy Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptos with British Pounds. Until now, customers had to maintain their fiat money in Euros instead of GBP, and…
Ripple’s Latest Report Revealed That Malta Is The World’s New Leading XRP (XRP) Trader

Ripple’s latest quarterly report reveals the surprising fact that Malta outperformed South Korea concerning XRP trading. According to the report, Malta is the world’s new leading XRP (XRP) trader. The report released in the media is backed up…
Hong Kong Considers Investing In Bitcoin (BTC) To Be Safe Against The Forecasted Financial Crisis

A survey has revealed that as many as 23% of Hong Kong residents will “consider investing” in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), in order to keep safe against a potential financial crisis that some of those surveyed people expect to…