A Chinese Hotel Adopted Cryptocurrency Payments, Along With A Beijing-Based news Portal

One of the oldest technology news portals in China and a newly-opened hotel in Sichuan are the first Chinese firms to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. This adoption movement is coming as opposing the latest cryptocurrency regulations tensions…
PumaPay Partnered With Pornhub For Recurring Cryptocurrency Payments

The largest porn site in the world, Pornhub, partnered with PumaPay, an open source crypto payments solution, for recurring cryptocurrency payments for premium subscriptions. On the other hand, Pornhub might also adopt PumaPay (PMA) crypto token, eventually. Pornhub partnered with…
Bitcoin (BTC) Adoption: BTC Payments Accepted By CheapAir Online Travel Agency

The US-based online travel and tourism agency CheapAir announced on Friday, July 13th, that it will begin using the open source platform BTCPayServer to process Bitcoin (BTC) payments from its customers, in a move which increases Bitcoin (BTC)…