Cryptojacking: Canadian University Forced To Shut Down Its Networks Due To A Crypto Mining Malware

The computer systems of the University of St. Francis Xavier, located in Nova Scotia, Canada, were infected with a crypto mining malware that has forced the disconnection of the entire internal network. This type of cyberattack is known…
Monero (XMR) Launches New Site To Inform Crypto Enthusiasts About Cryptojacking

A team of Monero (XMR) collaborators launches a website designed to provide assistance to those who are affected by cryptojacking malware or other problems related to background crypto mining programs. Through a message published on the official subreddit…
Cryptocurrency-Related Cyber Attacks Surged By 459 Percent In 2018

Cyber attacks related to cryptocurrency have increased by 459% throughout 2018, according to a report by the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA). The projections for the next year seems to be even gloomier. Also, the report noted that hackers…