A Crypto Adoption Will Be Done By Wall Street, While SEC Melts

After the most recent decline in crypto traded funds, the markets have fallen! The rule that allows trading of Bitcoin-based exchange traded items, was not accepted by SEC. On Thursday, the votes were in favor of a crypto-based…
Iran Would Launch Its National Cryptocurrency In Up To 3 Months

The Iranian Directorate for Scientific and Technological Affairs’ Deputy of Investment and Management Affairs, Alireza Diliri, hinted that Iran plans on developing its own national cryptocurrency. As reported by the IRNA News, a government-owned agency, Iran’s national cryptocurrency would come…
Ripple’s Q2 2018 Report Says XRP (XRP) Fall Is In Line With Other Cryptos, Suggesting XRP Is Independent Of Ripple

Ripple has published its Q2 2018 report for its XRP (XRP) token on July 24th. As the report shows, Ripple’s sales of XRP crypto tokens are nothing when compared with the overall Ripple achievements. The report, as Ripple…
Coinbase Partnered With WeGift To Allow Europeans Pay For Goods Using Bitcoin (BTC) And Other Cryptos

Increased cryptocurrency adoption would eventually mean buying goods and services with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or Litecoin (LTC), as well as other cryptos. Even though in some ecosystems such payments are already accepted, there are limitations in this…
Tron (TRX) Goes Bullish But Lost The 10th Place Race Against Tether (USDT), For Now

Tron (TRX) is going with the current bullish run that characterizes the cryptocurrencies market, lately, since the leader of the market, Bitcoin (BTC) is skyrocketing. But Tron (TRX) has one big fight to win against Tether (USDT) to…